Thursday, December 25, 2014

1974 - ALTERNATIVA 2 (RCA Victor AVS-4290)
Side B - track #5 : Trio ‘Quistral’ – Tantas Cosas

By releasing the song ‘Tantas cosas’, the acoustic duo
‘Gabriel & Marcelo’ planned closing their contribution
to the folk genre. Sympathetically with most of male
duos of that period, songwriter Gabriel Ogando desired
as well a new texture for his compositions, a departure
from the simplicity of folk closed harmonic structures
into the limitless of the classical orchestra melodic palette.
Named after a bird supposedly from the Argentinean
south, ‘Quistral’ meant to be ‘Gabriel & Marcelo’ next
evolutionary musical stage.

In 1974, Gabriel Ogando crystallized this new project, by
meeting keyboardist Guillermo Medin (
Quistral , Final ,
) who at that time was playing with Tito Losavio
(Man Ray) in ‘Burbujas’, a Tropical/Dance group under
the leadership of percussionist guru Guido ’Chiche’ Abregu.
‘Quistral’ rehearsals started shortly afterwards in Guillermo
Medin’s studio in Lomas de Zamora, South Buenos Aires.

All songs were re-arranged, re-harmonized and orchestra-
ted accordingly to Gabriel Ogando`s plan and in 1975 trio
‘Quistral’ presented this new shaped-up material in IFT
Theatre, in the off ‘Once’ neighborhood. This unique un-
plugged concert featured Gabriel Ogando/Marcelo Braga in
acoustic guitars/vocals and Guillermo Medin in acoustic
piano and represents the solely ‘Quistral’ formation ever
known to the public.

Due to some kind of disagreement between the two vocalist,
(not into commenting about soap-opera subjects) the trio
‘Quistral’ splitted-up. Desillusionized Gabriel Ogando just
recovered from it years afterwards and joined Marilina Ross,
Marcelo Braga opted instead for a career in music teaching
and Guillermo Medin ended up in the house of Alejandro De
Michele of ‘Pastoral’ (
Pastoral) in Liniers, West Buenos
Aires, studying Gustavo Beytelmann’s orchestral score for
‘Humanos’ (
Humanos). Alejandro De Michele fore-
seeing director Beytelmann was leaving the country in 1976,
he convoked keyboardist Guillermo Medin for implementing
same textures for live shows scenarios.

Playback Side B - track #5 : Trio Quistral Tantas Cosas

'Quistral' is posted in following websites:

1) Red peyote
Quistral is listed in 3rd entry 'Alternativa 2 (1974)'
lunes 19 de julio de 2010

2) Miguel Grinberg's blog
Listed under Title 'Olas Invisibles' 5th Paragraph

3) Tinpan
Note: this link isn’t working
Argentine Groups- VARIOUS ARTISTS COMPILATIONS 2nd entry

4) Discoeterno-The Magic Land
2nd entry ‘1974 - Alternativa 2 (RCA Victor AVS-4290)’

5) Los inconseguibles del Rock
6th entry 'Alternativa Volumen#2 (1974)'

6) Rate Your Music

7) WebMii
Note: You must type name to get results
Gabriel Ogando
Marcelo Braga
Guillermo Medin